The Blue-Chip DEX
Up To 100x Concentrated Liquidity
With No Impermanent Loss
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Be the Arbitrageur

Arbitrage Wrecks LPs
Frontrunners, MEV bots, and sandwich attacks drain profits from LPs. Clipper's superior architecture leaves attackers stranded.

Clipper Fights Back
Clipper's Core Pool constantly arbitrages market prices, transforming volatility into higher yields for LPs while protecting them from attackers.

Professional Grade
You can be as profitable as professional market makers without sacrificing time or custody. Clipper puts you on the offensive, harpooning the best returns on DeFi’s most-traded assets.
No more Impermanent Loss
No more getting scalped by MEV bots
No more unfair sandwich attacks

How Clipper Works
As with most DEX liquidity programs, Clipper’s CLP participants stake their funds in a liquidity pool and in return receive a portion of the trading fees accrued on the exchange.
Concentrated Liquidity
Rapid Rebalancing
Firm Prices

Concentrated Liquidity
Clipper provides 25x concentrated liquidity around the market price, amplifying returns.

Trusted with Billions
Clipper powers sustainable returns for LPs.
Total volume
(since last deployment)

(since launch)
Pirates and counting*

*per Dune, check it out.
DeFi’s Most Swashbuckling Community
Powered by SAIL


Clipper LPs earn SAIL rewards on farming deposits. SAIL is the governance token of AdmiralDAO the DAO of DeFi builders.
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